1) Indoor air and unadulterated building materials shall be regulated naturally.
2) Walls, floors and ceilings shall be diffusible and hygroscopic (Noted: According to
Merriam-Webster, hygroscopicity means Readily absorbing and retaining moisture under some conditions of humidity and temperature.
3) Air pollutant needs to be filtered and purified.
4) The total moisture content of a new building shall be low and dry out quickly.
5) A building shall have a pleasant or neutral smell. No toxins shall outgas.
6) Light, lighting and color shall be in accord with natural conditions.
7) Protective measures against noise pollution as well as infrasonic and ultrasonic vibrations need to be human oriented.
8) Only building materials with little or preferably no radioactivity shall be used.
More principles can be read from the site Institut für Baubiologie + Oekologie Neubeurn http://www.baubiologie.de/site/english/principles.php
It's really nice to find a term which describes what I have been talking for the past year~ Baubiologie...sounds cool isn't it?
PS: When a good architecture is done with heart and soul like Frank Llyod Wright's Fallingwater, "architecture was a great inclusive agency through which humankind adapted the environment to human needs and, reciprocally, attuned human life to its cosmos; amid continual changes architecture could keep human life more natural and nature more humane." Quoted from Edgar Kaufman's - Fallingwater: A Frank Llyod Wright Country House, 1986; P.31
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