Do You LOHAS? Well, sure sounds like a cool term. Basically, if you are getting more environmentally conscious, eat more veges than meat (as in organic foods), practice yoga, work out, car pool or taking public transports, get close to the nature such as going bird watching in the rainforest of Borneo, use green products and volunteer at the Retirement Village for example, you are pretty close to becoming a LOHAS family.
LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability which focuses on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living and social justice.

I've been wanting to post this topic since last year, but decided that there is too much to talk about, and that everyone lives their LOHAS lifestyle differently. Some really lavish, while some simply quite plain. Seriously, everyone defines their own LOHAS lifestyle in each unique way, but the most important thing is to be happy from the inside with your life, and be thankful and grateful that we are healthy and happy.
Summer is here~ Time to go hiking and smell the leaves and trees with the morning dews...you know you will find surprises in the woods sometimes~

Seeeee... Max is searching for the best spot around the crystal clear stream for an outdoor spaaa...Good Maxi~
Remark: Thank you Michael for sharing these great photos!
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